Attitude of Gratitude

#1  Bobby
#2  Hannah
#3  Samuel
#4  our cozy house
#5  our happy home
#6  sweet baby chicks - 8 in all!
#7  spring gardens - flowers & veggies
#8  clear skies & sunshine after a week of rain
#9  sweet baby Catherine is home from the hospital
#10  home made Chicken 'N Dumplings that turn out perfectly
#11  four little hands helping with chores
#12  the smell of lavender on my babies after their bath
#13  the sweet joy of an evening spent in fellowship with girlfriends
#14  little voices singing praise & worship songs
#15  windows open to let in fresh spring air
#16  puppets, puzzles and books at our local library
#17  an excited call from Dave with good news about Samantha
#18  celebrating my husbands 34th year of life
#19  fun Sabbath afternoon at the local park
#20  holding Hannah in my lap as we swing together
#21  letting Samuel win at a game of checkers
#22  doing chores on our mini-farm
#23  a day spent volunteering and knowing you're being helpful
#24  comfort & peace from God when I feel nervous/panicky
#25  a good night's sleep after God has calmed my fears
#26  a loving husband who brought me hot water to soak my sore feet
#27  grocery shopping by myself while Hannah spends time with Granny & Samuel spends 
          time with his Daddy.
#28  Rain over Sabbath so we don't have to work -the Lord watered our garden!
#29  good deals @ the Upstate Kids Consignment Sale
#30  effective child training techniques
#31  new spring shirts
#32  No Greater Joy ministries 
#33  Listening to Hannah & Samuel's creative play while our power was out.
#34  Electricity!
#35  clean kitchen floors that smell fresh
#36  The opportunity to help with Passover preparations. 


-I'm thankful for you and your sweet family :)
-I'm thankful for my own sweet family, and the strength and good health God has given us so 
-I'm thankful for sleep :)  (Lindsay has a new baby girl so sleep is certainly a blessing at the  