04 March 2012

February in Our Home - 2012

(The pictures in this post are not recent.  They were taken last May in Indiana at Bobby's cousin's wedding.  My family is just so beautiful that I wanted to share my favorite pictures with you!)

February was such a peaceful month in the Clark household.  It was certainly a blessing after the craziness of January!  Hannah & Samuel's birthday's are both in January so I was busy planning parties for both of them.  Then we were plagued with a cold that was honestly never ending.  I was out of commission one whole weekend and I'm most thankful for a wonderful husband who stepped in to entertain the kids and cook our meals.  When the kids had the cold they also ended up with secondary (ear) infections.  If they didn't know us at the pediatricians office before, they do now!!

In mid January (maybe a little earlier) Mr. Clark and I started family fun night with the kids.  Every Friday after supper we sit together for scripture reading.  I read Bible stories & devotions with the kids throughout the day but it's always fun to sit and listen to Daddy.  When Bobby is done reading we ask the kids one thing they want to pray about during the coming week.  Before we would just tell them prayer requests (like Granny's foot hurting, etc) but now we let them think of their own.  

For an entire month Samuel prayed that he would have dry pull-ups.  His hearts desire has been to wear underpants to bed like his big sister but I wouldn't let him until he could go a week with a dry pull-up.  This was his prayer request for an entire month.  Every night before bed he would pray for the Lord to keep him dry.  Sammy finally made it an entire week and so he started praising the Lord as well as asking Him to help Sam have dry underpants.  He's been in underpants for about two weeks now and has only had two incidents.  You know, the Lord doesn't care one bit about dry pull-ups in the grand scheme of things.  But He does care about Sam's heart.  He cares that Sammy is learning to turn to Him, trust in Him and hand every little thing over to Him.  I feel like crying as I type this.  My son has learned to trust in His heavenly Father through the simple act of prayer!!  

Hannah prayed for almost a month (sometimes her prayer requests varied) that we would all stay healthy.  She was just as sick of sick as we were!  Since she's started praying we've stayed healthy and been cold free!  I love that she & Samuel are learning to sit at the feet of the Savior and present their requests to Him with such complete trust and love.  

After we've finished with scripture reading and prayers we have our family movie night.  We put on comfy pajamas, pop popcorn, and cuddle on our bed (mine & Bobby's) and watch a movie of their choice.  They look forward to this time each week which is so sweet to me.

This past month I finally bought the Jesus Storybook Bible for the kids.  I had heard such great things about it but for some reason I never purchased it.  I'm so glad I did.  The stories are simple enough for Hannah & Sam to understand without being too watered down.  And the illustrations are beautiful and captivating.  Each story follows scripture and at the end there are little explanations that show how every story in the Bible points to Jesus. 

My goal is two posts a week on Pioneering so we will see how that works out!  Keep me accountable ladies!!  And let me know if you'd like to be a guest writer (I can use all the help I can get!!) or if there's a topic you'd like for me to discuss.  I do want to share my thoughts on the Bible & Fertility as well as Hannah & Samuel's daily chores.

Contact me at clark.ha@gmail.com with any questions or ideas!!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Good luck meeting your goal. I accidentally took an entire month off from writing anything for Love Built To Last. I'm trying to decide on a topic for my next post now because it's been nearly a week.

That Jesus Storybook Bible for your kids sounds great. It's really cool that they show that connection. How is your A-Z reading list progressing?