12 January 2011

Elderberry Syrup

"  Recently, Elder berry has gained fame as a cure for the flu. Researchers have clinically proven that the berries are effective against eight strains of influenza, prevent infection, and shorten recovery times. Not only is it believed that Elder may be superior to vaccines in preventing the flu, but it does not cause the same side affects.  -Mountain Rose Herb Blog  "
  Elderberry is quickly becoming a staple in our medicine cabinet!!  While researching this herb I was very impressed by its medicinal benefits ... it is great for the flu, fevers, sore throat, runny noses, colds, joint pain and severe chest congestion.  Wow!!  How many different medicines would you need in your medicine chest for all of those symptoms?  Now I can say ONE.

Sammy caught a cold (runny nose + cough) right before we left on our Thanksgiving trip.  So I sent Mr. Clark to our local GNC for a bottle of Elderberry Syrup.  It was $15 for 120 mL.  I was a little shocked at the price but quickly recovered because Sammy was quickly recovering.  I don't have any problems buying this syrup from the GNC but what if your whole family is sick?  There's four of us and that one little bottle won't last very long.  Which means it would get pretty expensive to treat our entire family. 
So did a little research and found a recipe to make my own elder berry syrup.  It's so easy and fun!  I have recently been teaching Hannah how God gave us all of the plants, trees, and herbs to use for food & medicines.  I showed her pictures of plants that we've grown (including local trees/plants) and talked to her about medicines they could make to help us.  So, when I made my syrup this evening I let her & Samuel help me.  I believe this really showed her how we should use the resources God has given us.

* * * * * *

Now for the recipe!

4 oz of dried Elderberries (1/2 cup)
1 cinnamon stick
5 cloves
1 Tbsp of freshly grated ginger
2 cups of water
1 cup of raw local honey

1.  Put berries, cinnamon, ginger and cloves in a pot.  Cover with the 2 cups of water and bring to a boil.
2.  Turn down heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes (until liquid is reduced by half.)
3.  Using a strainer (or small colander) strain the herbs from the liquid.  Press herb mixture gently
     with a spoon to squeeze out any excess liquid.
4.  Stir in the 1 cup of honey.
5.  Allow liquid to cool then pour into a small mason jar, label and store in the refrigerator. 

Important Information!!
  • You can keep your elderberry syrup in the fridge for up to 3 months.  
  • Take one teaspoon daily for to boost your immune system or take 1-4 teaspoons daily while sick.
  • If you give this to children under two years old make sure you mix it in hot water to kill any microbes that might be in the raw honey.  When in doubt don't give it to a child under the age of two.
  •  Remember that I am not a doctor so use this at your own discretion.  I encourage every one of you to research any & all natural remedies for yourself.
In conclusion, I bought 1/2 lb of dried elder berries from the Bulk Herb website for $8 (it came to about $14 with shipping & handling.)  I used 1/2 cup of these berries and made roughly 400 mL of Elder Berry Syrup.  And I still have enough dried berries left to make at least two more batches.  For the same price ($15),  I will have made 10 times more syrup than what I bought at the GNC!!

Additional info/links
...Elderberry Syrup in Pictures...
 (Excuse the quality of these photos.  I took them with Mr. Clark's iPhone so some of them are a little grainy.)
Dried Elderberries from the Bulk Herb Store.

All of the ingredients needed for our syrup (minus the honey.)

Hannah & Samuel put everything in our pot.

Straining out the berries.

Keep Refrigerated!!


Anonymous said...

VERY nice! will have to try that sometime soon. and i love the little containers you have with the orange lids--where'd you get them?

Ken and Michelle said...

This is wonderful! We love to do natural remedies!
collodial silver is good too! Thanks for the info!

heather said...

Bobby ordered those jars for me for Christmas one year. He ordered them through his work. They are awesome too! They're Pryex so they're good quality, plus I can heat them in the oven on 350* (heat sterilize them), they'll hold pressure, etc.