04 August 2011

July in Our Home

 So this is basically turning into a "--- in Our Home" blog.  I promise I will do better about posting in August (I have more recipes I want to share with you).  It's just that summer is always a busy time for us.  And now that the kids are older we're spending more time swimming and doing outdoor activities.

July was just as busy for us and June.  We celebrated Independence Day with a family that has become very dear to us.  They truly understand hospitality and have welcomed us to many of their family gatherings.  We spent the 4th swimming with them and enjoying all of the delicious food they prepared.  By 8 o'clock we had settled into the grass in front of the Waffle House (sounds redneck I know but it was the best spot) to watch a beautiful fireworks show.  It was such a fun day!

We've continued to harvest vegetables from our garden.  But even more exciting is fresh eggs from our chickens!  We actually only have one chicken that is laying one egg a day but it's a start.  It's a blessing...we're becoming self sufficient.  

I spent all of July running.  Or so it seemed.  Mr. Clark loves running and is always encouraging me to run as well.  I've tried a few times but was never really motivated.  Until this past month.  Several of my girlfriends on Facebook have been posting about running and how they're so much healthier.  Two particular friends really inspired me and now I'm a runner!  And I love it.  I run a total of seven miles in a week broken up into 1, 2 and 3 mile runs.  
I was struggling so much in the beginning and considered giving up on several occasions.  I just kept praying for the Lord to give me the energy and patience to endure the beginning stages and here I am, one month later, still running!!  I love that I am actually exercising, I love that I feel healthier and I'm enjoying some quiet time for 14 minutes to an hour in the evening.  My legs and lungs have slowly adjusted and I'm able to take less walk breaks and my times are slowly improving.  Added benefits include:  it's free, I'm getting outside, I'm getting fresh air, I'm getting a mini break from the kids and I'm enjoying all of the beautiful nature that surrounds our house.

I have also been preparing to officially homeschool Hannah.  I have plans to join an accountability group and I've worked out my homeschool goals for her.  She and I are very excited and I know that we are going to have a great time together.  This is totally new to me but I'm not nervous.  I know that the Lord will give me the wisdom and patience that I will need.

Gratitude List continues...
#78  - two days spent with Sammy (while Mr. Clark & Hannah visited family in NC)

#83  - snuggling on a blanket with Mr. Clark, Hannah & Samuel while we watch fireworks

#86  -an apple cider slushy from a local peach stand on a sweltering hot afternoon

#87  -an afternoon spent fellowshipping with girlfriends (fellow mommies) while our children play together.

#88  -Running/walking 3 miles in less than an hour!

#93  -Hannah willingly and cheerfully separating clothes for me on laundry day with no assistance!

#94  -Celebrating 62 years of my dear sweet Daddy

#99  -watching Sammy and Jack S. play together

#100 -seeing Hannah get excited when she's presented with another Care Bear for her collection.  (It's so sweet how many people have kept an eye out for Care Bears for her.  It's a blessing that so many people love my daughter!)

#104 -hearing Sammy saying, "Every word of God is flawless..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm so proud of you with the running! (the other stuff, too, but especially the running :) it's tough to get started, but you've done it! keep it up!!!!!!