08 May 2011

April in Our Home

April was a much better month for our family.  We fully recovered from all of the illness that plagued us throughout March and our family "drama" has calmed (at least for the moment).  

We celebrated the Passover with our dear friends, the Steele's.  It's so beautiful to see how Jesus fulfilled the Passover.  How He became the Passover Lamb for us and now we're covered by His blood.  Each year we stumble a little as we seek to prepare for Passover.  It's not something we grew up doing like Christmas or Easter.  We're slowly learning what's important, and what isn't, what works and what doesn't.  Hannah & Sam love it!

We celebrated several birthday's this past month.  My sister-in-law Karen, my sweet Mother and my handsome husband.  It was a blessing to celebrate Mr. Clark's 34th birthday.  We really didn't do anything big for his big day so hopefully this summer we'll be able to grill out or have some sort of party for him.  He works so hard for our little family and is the best father & husband that I could ever want.  I thank the Lord that He brought us together!

At the end of April we flew to Texas so Mr. Clark could tend to some work related business.  While we were there we stayed with Mr. Clark's uncle, aunt and their two granddaughters.  The last time we had seen his aunt/uncle was over 10 years ago and we had never meet his two little cousins.  
It was Hannah & Samuel's first airplane ride and they loved every minute of it!  They also enjoyed playing with their little cousins (Rosie is 6 y/o and Dee Dee is 4 y/o).  We had a busy week full of museums, shopping, and the zoo.  My prayer was that we would be a blessing to their family but they were such a blessing to our family!  I truly hope that visit us some time soon so we can repay their kindness.

May is going to be a very big month for us.  We're celebrating several more birthday's - including my 30th on the 22nd.  Our 10 year anniversary is the 19th.  We're heading for the beach for a family vacation and then we're going to IN at the end of the month to attend a wedding & visit some more of Mr. Clark's family.  Please pray that we will have safe travels.

April Reading
Day After Night by Anita Diamant 
A beautiful story of four young Jewish women the summer after WWII has ended.  They are all being held in a British detainment camp as they make their way home to Palestine.  They struggle to overcome the hell they experienced in Nazi Europe as well as face an uncertain future. 

God's Appointed Times by Barney Kasdan
Since Lindsay has a brand new baby girl I was "in charge" of Passover preparations.  Lindsay let me borrow this book so I could get an idea of what needed to be done, etc.  Kasdan not only covers Passover but all of the feasts of the Lord as well.

My Gratitude List

#20  holding Hannah in my lap as we swing together
#22  doing chores on our "mini" farm
#26  a loving husband who brought me hot water to soak my sore feet
#29  good deals @ the Upstate Kids Consignment Sale
#30  effective child training techniques
#33  listening to Hannah & Samuel play creatively while our power was out for 2 hrs
#36  the opportunity to help with Passover preparations
#37  my sweet beautiful Mama
#38  a safe flight to Houston
#39  Sammy's nose wasn't broken
#40  gracious and loving family
#41  cool, sweet spring weather

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