13 April 2011

Cultivating Thankfulness

Be joyful always;  pray continually;  give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Jesus Christ.
I Thessaloninans 5:16

Upon reading one of my favorite blogs, I've been inspired to cultivate an attitude of gratitude.  The author of Passionate Homemaking has embarked upon a journey to record 1000 gifts from the Lord over a six month period.  She has come to realize that one of the keys to true joy is a heart of thankfulness.  I agree and have decided that I want to follow this example.  

The entire month of March was certainly full of trials.  Physically and emotionally -we were sick, we dealt with some family "drama" and we prayed (ans still are) earnestly for our beautiful twin nieces.  
Scripture instructs us to be "joyful in our trials" (James 1:2-4) but all of the trials we've struggled through left me wondering 'How Lord?'  So many times I get caught up in the trial of the moment that I don't appreciate the Lord's mercies that surround me daily.  Or even the blessings that He's given me to be joyful in my current trial...like the extra time we were able to spend with Mr. Clark (granted we were all laying around most of the time but at least we were together :-) or the sweet snuggles that my babies give even more willingly when they're sick.  

I am embarking on a journey to become a more thankful mother, wife, and daughter of Christ.  My heart's desire is to look at my surroundings with eyes that see and record all of the blessings that envelop me every single day.   Will you join me in cultivating an attitude of gratitude?  I don't have a plan of a 1000 gifts in six months...I just want a thankful heart.

So far:
#1 Bobby
#2  Hannah
#3  Samuel
#4  our cozy house
#5  our happy home
#8  clear skies after a week of rain
#9  sweet baby Catherine is home from the hospital
#11  two little sets of hands helping with chores
#12  the smell of lavender on my babies after a bath
#14  the sound of little voices as they sing praise & worship songs
#17  an exciting phone call from Dave with exciting news about Samantha
#18  celebrating my husband's 34th year of life

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:7

Look up all of the scriptures on thankfulness.  Share what you're thankful for with me and I'll post them as well (anonymously or not!)

1 comment:

Joshua & Lindsay said...

What happened to #'s 10, 13, 15, &16? hehe!

I'm thankful for you and your sweet family :)

I'm thankful for my own sweet family, and the strength and good health God has given us so far.

I'm thankful for sleep :)

That's all for now...

...but this is good :)