- I've had 5 women contact me about ordering and splitting the cost of elderberries. I am hoping that I'll get that ordered this week. When I do, I will contact you with how much your share will be and a good time for us to get together.
- No Greater Joy ministries has two amazing new books for children that I think every one should buy, Samuel Learns to Yell & Tell and Sara Sue Learns to Yell & Tell. Teach your children about sexual predators and teach them how to respond if they're approached by one. I plan on buying a copy very soon. I might even buy an extra and do a giveaway... With the release of these books NGJ is having a fun little contest for kids. You can go here and print off one of three coloring pages for your child to color. Write their name & age on the back of the page and mail it to the Pearls. They'll choose a winner for each age group and print the winning picture in the May/June magazine. Hannah & Samuel have already colored theirs and they're in an envelope ready to be mailed.
- I have completed a video on how to begin couponing. Unfortunately my video camera is refusing to cooperate with our Mac. Or maybe it's the other way around. I'm currently working on getting this amazing video posted for your viewing pleasure. If I am still unsuccessful then I will at least write a post on getting started so stay tuned!! Just make sure you buy a Greenville News (or two or three...) tomorrow, label the coupon inserts with the date and check out southernsavers.com
- Remember my resolution about teaching Hannah to read? We've been making a lot of progress lately thanks to some amazing phonic books!! I love listening to her read a book by herself and then seeing the look of pride on her face. It makes my heart feel like it's going to swell right out of my chest and my eyes get a little leaky. How can you not love being a mom? Moments like these make it so worth while!!
What's been going on with you? I really do want to know!
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